Probability Analysis of Relations between Operation Mode Parameters of Saw Frames
saw frame, sort load of logs, energy input, power consumption, energy losses, probability distribution, sawn raw material parametersAbstract
Nature of woodworking processes is dramatically influenced by various random factors. Mathematically, these processes should be considered as one of accidental types. The most energy-intensive process is sawmilling. Here, saw frame and frame equipment comprise a separate section, which largely forms the electricity consumption nature of product line and the whole plant. Therefore, the issues of improving the energy efficiency of woodworking industry can be solved only by joint consideration of the technological and energy parameters of wood sawing. The research purpose is a probability-theoretical analysis of relationship between the saw frames operating parameters, as well as finding the distribution laws and numerical ratings of these parameters as random variables when sawing the sort log load. The queuing system is used as a mathematical model of the saw frame cutting mechanism. The application of the probability theory has allowed us to find the distribution density and numerical characteristics of the effective time; hourly average sawing raw material output; hourly average power consumption, energy losses in the network; absolute and spe-cific power consumption in conjunction with the geometric parameters of raw materials and operation parameters of saw frame mode. Electricity consumption parameters have probabil-istic nature and are distributed by law, different from normal. The density of parameters distribution was approximated by the density of the Gauss’ law in order to simplify the analysis procedure. Herewith, the error of approximation was not more than 1.71 %. Formu-las for calculating the values of technological and energy parameters of saw frames opera-tion are proposed.
For citation: Ageev S.P., Minaev A.N., Roshchina S.I. Probability Analysis of Relations be-tween Operation Mode Parameters of Saw Frames. Lesnoy Zhurnal [Forestry Journal], 2019, no. 3, pp. 121–131. DOI: 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2019.3.121
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