Study of Physical and Mechanical and X-Ray Protection Properties of Wood-Based Composite Laminated Material “Fanotren B”




composite material, metal faced plywood, X-ray protection, ionizing radiation protection, laminated wood-based material, composite plywood, stress strain behavior, physical and mechanical properties


Physical and mechanical and x-ray protection properties of new wood-based composite material “Fanotren B”, which consist of alternating layers of peeled birch veneer and reinforcing x-ray protective layers, are studied. The x-ray protective layer is nonwoven fabric – sintepon impregnated with x-ray protective composition; consist of barium sulfate, adhesive based on polyvinyl acetate dispersion and water. The material is recommended to be used in construction and decoration of premises in the areas with high radiation background. A distinctive feature of the developed material is the absence of lead and materials based on it. We had the following research objectives: to study the stress strain behavior of the material; to determine the balanced formulation of saturating composition for the x-ray protective layer; to evaluate its physical and mechanical properties. The stress – strain ratio of the ma-terial was simulated by the finite element method, the physical and mechanical properties were evaluated by the standard methods, the protective properties of the x-ray protective layer were measured by the lead equivalent of the image transparency on the radiograph with the use of lux meter. Theoretical studies have shown that the behavior of metal faced plywood under external load is described by the Sophie Germain’s equation with acceptable accuracy. The modeling was carried out on a solid model, which took into account mechani-cal properties of the materials included in the design and scheme of laying out the veneer layers. The developed model of the stress strain behavior has showed that the decrease of the protective layer thickness leads to the increase of deflections and stresses in it. Computer simulation revealed the stress increase in the areas of bonding the material protective layer and outer side of veneer. The impregnating composition was determined experimentally: mineral filler content is 51 %, binder content is 26 %, and water content is 23 %. The technological modes of composite laminated material formation were determined: binder consumption is 176 g/m2; pressing temperature is 50 ºС; gluing time is 8 min. The material with the thickness of 9.5 mm has density of 1600 kg/m3; a lead equivalent is 0.54 mm Pb/mm; cross-breaking strength along the outer layers is 39 MPa; shear strength along the adhesive layer is 1.34 MPa; tensile strength along the fibers is 53 MPa.

For citation: Yatsun I.V., Gorokhovskiy A.G., Odintseva S.A. Study of Physical and Mechani-cal and X-Ray Protection Properties of Wood-Based Composite Laminated Material “Fanotren B”. Lesnoy Zhurnal [Forestry Journal], 2019, no. 3, pp. 110–120. DOI: 10.17238/ issn0536-1036.2019.3.110


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Author Biographies

И. В. Яцун, Ural State Forest Engineering University

Candidate of Engineering, Assoc. Prof.

А. Г. Гороховский, Ural State Forest Engineering University

Doctor of Engineering, Prof.


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How to Cite

Яцун, И. В., and А. Г. Гороховский. “Study of Physical and Mechanical and X-Ray Protection Properties of Wood-Based Composite Laminated Material ‘Fanotren B’”. Lesnoy Zhurnal, no. 3, June 2019, p. 110, doi:10.17238/issn0536-1036.2019.3.110.




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