Features of Calculated Truck Load Estimation at Antecedent Design Stage of Chokerless Skidding System Based on Computer Experiment
chokerless skidding, machine design, lift capacity, mass of tree bundle, computer experiment, distribution function, probabilityAbstract
Efficiency improving of the forest sector cannot be achieved without development of the forest machines design methods. Analysis of the studies devoted to this issue shows that insufficient attention was paid to it. The research objectives were to analyze the influence of the probabilistic nature of tree parameters on the load from moving tree bundle acting on a chokerless skidding system, and to determine the range of values of the necessary load-carrying capacity of the system’s chassis based on the analysis results. The research was based on computer experiment consist of tree bundle generating necessary for the full filling of the skidding system chain grapple. The parameters of generated trees were determined by the taxation conditions of the Karelian Republic forest stands. Forty five variation series characterizing the mass distribution of a skidding tree bundle were obtained based on the computer experiment results processing. The variation curve shifted to the right side along the mass axis of a tree bundle, and its shape changed with the increase of chain grapple size. The curve was stretched slightly and became more flat; the maximum value of the relative frequency of tree bundle mass decreased. Tree bundle mass fluctuated significantly at the same size of chain grapple. The difference between the maximum and minimum mass values of tree bundles was in the range of 3.7–5.6 tons. It increased with the increase of chain grapple size. The analytical dependence of tree bundle mass necessary for determina-tion the load-carrying capacity of the chokerless skidding system chassis on the chain grapple size was found. The recommended values of the chassis load-carrying capacity in the considered range of chain grapple sizes (1–2.2 m2) are in the range of 5.5–12.4 tons. The obtained results can be used at antecedent design stage of forest machines, as well as at technical and economic assessment of chokerless skidding systems operating in the Republic of Karelia.
For citation: Shegelman I.R., Budnik P.V. Features of Calculated Truck Load Estimation at Antecedent Design Stage of Chokerless Skidding System Based on Computer Experiment. Lesnoy Zhurnal [Forestry Journal], 2019, no. 3, pp. 82–96. DOI: 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2019.3.82
Funding: the research was carried out within the framework of the grant of the President of the Russian Federation no. MK-5321.2018.8.
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