Khanh Hoa province, mangrove forests, tree species, forest inventory indicators, plantingAbstract
In the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, mangrove forests grow in the foreshore of the sea coast and in the river mouths. Mangrove forests play an important role in the coastal tropical ecosystem. They protect the coastline from destroying by tides, fix the soil with root systems and prevent its flushing into the sea, preserve the diversity of species of flora and fauna. With the development of industry in the agrarian country mangrove forests began to be harvested intensively. High level of disturbance of mangrove forests is typical for the Khanh Hoa province. The reduction of forest area has led to a deterioration of the ecological situation in the region; a decrease in the number of species of coastal plants and animals increased the amount of salt in the soil. The primary task for forestry specialists is the study of mangrove forests and the development of methods for their regeneration. We have conducted a research on the mangrove forests in the Khanh Hoa province for 2 years. Two experimental areas were investigated in the mangrove forests formed naturally: the Nhaphu (November, 2017) and Dambay (May, 2018) and in artificially created forests in 2007 in other place of Dambay.
For citation: Phan Trong Huan, Nguyen Thi Lan. A Study of Mangrove Forests in the Khanh Hoa Province of Vietnam. Lesnoy Zhurnal [Forestry Journal], 2019, no. 3, pp. 64–72. DOI: 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2019.3.64
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