Condition of the Slope Land Forest Phytocenosis in Krasnodar Krai




forest, relief, ecological state, forest ecosystem, natural regeneration, forest phytocenosis, taxation parameters, bonitet, stand composition, undergrowth


Relief is the prime factor of differentiation both landscapes and vegetation cover. The research of forest nature, its individual components, stand features, main taxation parameters, and forest plantations has been done; plantations’ ecological state is determined due to the terrain changes nowadays. The study was carried out in the territory of Goryacheklyuchevskoye district forestry (near the Transportnyy village) in the conditions of piedmont undulating relief. Reconnaissance routes were laid out on the slopes. Research options were chosen at the top of the slope, the middle part and the bottom of the slope. Forest litter is one of the important elements of the phytocenosis. In the research we have taken into account its thickness and composition. Parameters of natural forest regeneration were recorded in the study of forest areas of slope lands (average height and diameter). All in all, the slope lands condition in the research area can be considered satisfactory; plantations fulfill their protective functions. The obtained results indicate that with the decrease of the slope height the stand taxation parameters (average height, diameter) and ecological state get worse, its bonitet decreases. The undergrowth distribution in height and breed composition undergoes significant changes depending on the slope height. In terms of quantity there is no difference in the options. At the top of the slope a large part of the undergrowth of different state is located in the canopy openings and grows isolated. 

For citation: Primakov N.V. Condition of the Slope Land Forest Phytocenosis in Krasnodar Krai. Lesnoy Zhurnal [Forestry Journal], 2019, no. 3, pp. 55–63. DOI: 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2019.3.55


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Author Biography

Н. В. Примаков, Kuban State University

Candidate of Agriculture, Assoc. Prof.


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How to Cite

Примаков, Н. В. “Condition of the Slope Land Forest Phytocenosis in Krasnodar Krai”. Lesnoy Zhurnal, no. 3, June 2019, p. 55, doi:10.17238/issn0536-1036.2019.3.55.

