Provision with Undergrowth of Mature and Overripe Dark Coniferous Stands in Perm Krai
Middle Ural taiga forest region, dark coniferous stands, preliminary generation undergrowth, provisionAbstract
Provision with preliminary generation undergrowth of mature and overripe dark coniferous stands of the Middle Ural taiga forest region was analyzed based on the forest management materials’ data of Krasnovisherskoye forestry (Perm krai). It has been found that dark coniferous stands are represented by spruce, fir, and cedar forests; which occupy 55.3 % of area covered with forest vegetation and 83.7 % of area covered with coniferous stands. Herewith, spruce forests occupy 98.7 % of the total area of dark coniferous stands, fir forests – 1.2 %, and cedar forests – 0.1 %. There are stands of the 5th and elder bonitet classes (65.4 %), 3rd and 4th classes (87.1 %) with the stand density of 0.5–0.7 (67.9 % from the total area) among dark coniferous stands. Spruce stands usually belong to the following types of forest sites (forest growth conditions): C3 (66.2 %), B2 (12.5 %) and B4 (9.7 %). Under the canopy 90.8 % of mature and overripe dark coniferous stands’ area is occupied by coniferous un-dergrowth, while its density exceeds 2.0 thousand pcs/ha on 12.0 % of the area. The maximum provision with undergrowth in the C3 and B4 forest growing conditions is characterized by mature and overripe dark coniferous stands with the relative density of 0.6, and in the A4, B2, B5 and C4 forest growing conditions – 0.5. The latter should be considered in selective logging and methods of reforestation schedule.
For citation: Vedernikov E.A., Zalesov S.V., Zalesova E.S., Маgаsumovа А.G., Tolkach O.V. Provision with Undergrowth of Mature and Overripe Dark Coniferous Stands in Perm Krai. Lesnoy Zhurnal [Forestry Journal], 2019, no. 3, pp. 32–42. DOI: 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2019.3.32
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