Modification of Phenol Formaldehyde Resins by Wastes of Aluminum
veneer,, plywood, phenol formaldehyde resin, modification, production wastes, electrostatic precipitator dust, cold stack sludge, gluing modes, strength of final products, toxicity of final productsAbstract
In aluminum production a large amount of anthropogenic wastes is generated. The technological process of self-baking anodes implies formation of the following by-products: gas treatment sludge, electrostatic precipitator dust, skim flotation tailings, sludge field wastes (sludge), fireclay and carbon lining of reduction cells. Major cities of Siberia (Krasnoyarsk, Bratsk, Irkutsk) near the city limits have landfill sites of large-tonnage, unutilized wastes that pose a threat to the nature and city residents. In this regard, the possibility of using aluminum and pulp and paper production wastes as a modifier of finished phenol-formaldehyde resins was evaluated. Electrostatic precipitator dust, which is chemically active fine black powder, can be used for reducing the toxicity of synthetic resins and glues based on them, cold stack sludge (polydisperse, polyfunctional copolymer, which consists of lignin structural units) for modification of synthetic glues. Funnel viscosity of glue 1 hour after the modifier introduction, glue tack range, curing time and formaldehyde emission were determined as a part of the study. In order to substantiate the technology of plywood gluing by phenol-formaldehyde glue based on SFZh-3013 (СФЖ-3013) resin modified with wastes of aluminum and pulp and paper production a multifactorial experiment with determination of the modifier content in resin, duration and compacting pressure was carried out. It has been found that introduction of aluminum and pulp and paper production wastes into phenol-formaldehyde resins will allow reducing the costs of final products, recycling wastes of pulp and paper production, increasing the final product strength and decreasing the free formaldehyde content in it.
For citation: Rusakov D.S., Varankina G.S., Chubinskiy A.N. Modification of Phenol For-maldehyde Resins by Wastes of Aluminum and Cellulosic Pulp Production. Lesnoy Zhurnal [Forestry Journal], 2019, no. 2, pp. 130–140. DOI: 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2019.2.130
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