Effectiveness of Introduction of Rare Plants in the Arboretum of Khakassia





rare and endangered plants, introduction, arboretum, steppe zone, Khakassia, phenology, growth, winter hardiness, reproduction


According to the International Agenda for Botanic Gardens in Conservation about 500 species of woody plants, which represent six regions of the world, are conserved in the collection of the Research Institute of Agricultural Problems of Khakassia. The arboretum is located in the dry steppe zone of the Republic of Khakassia. There are 44 species of trees,
shrubs and lianas of different rarity. Many of them are beautifully flowering, and therefore can be used for landscaping. The aim of the work is summing up the introduction of rare and endangered plants for their further usage in the improvement of residential areas of the Khakasia steppe zone. The research objects are 21 species of rare plants of the arboretum of the Institute. The periods of phenological stages of species, their growth and development rhythm, winter
hardiness, period and duration of flowering, and ways of reproduction were determined. As a result, an introduction point was given to each plant and its perspectivity was estimated. The average age of rare plants was 40.7 years. All studied plants are early growing (from April 10 to May 10). In new growing conditions 72 % of species pass through a full life cycle, 19 % flower, but do not bear fruit, 9 % do not flower. According to the flowering period, 53 % of rare shrubs are early flowering (May). The longest flowering period was found in 19 % of species. The main phenological stages of plants occur during the stable periods, the low level of standard deviation confirms it. Self-seeding is typical for 28 % of the studied species. In the arboretum conditions 42 % reproduce both by seeds and vegetatively; 33 % – vegetatively and 23 % – by seeds. The introduction point shows the degree of adaptation to the new environment. As a result, 10 species have 5 and 4 points (96 %), Menispermum dahuricum, which annually freezes to the soil level, has 3 points. Perspectivity of the studied plants was identified based on the analysis of their viability parameters: 4 % of species turned to be non-perspective while 20 % are less perspective. Long-term studies of the biological features of rare woody plants indicate that rather perspective (38 %) and perspective (38 %) of the plants can be used in the improvement of residential areas of Khakasia. New species are introduced into the production for single and group planting: Deutzia glabrata, Armeniaca mandshurica, Prinsepia sinensis, Spiraea trilobata, and Rosa spinosissima.
For citation: Gordeeva G.N. Effectiveness of Introduction of Rare Plants in the Arboretum of Khakassia. Lesnoy Zhurnal [Russian Forestry Journal], 2021, no. 3, pp. 24–36. DOI: 10.37482/0536-1036-2021-3-24-36


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Author Biography

Г. Н. Гордеева, Research Institute of Agricultural Problems of Khakassia

Candidate of Biology, Senior Research Scientist; ResearcherID: AAH-2491-2021


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How to Cite

Гордеева, Г. Н. “Effectiveness of Introduction of Rare Plants in the Arboretum of Khakassia”. Lesnoy Zhurnal, no. 3, May 2021, pp. 24-36, doi:10.37482/0536-1036-2021-3-24-36.