Obtaining High-Quality Planting Material of Forest Berry Plants by Clonal Micropropagation for Restoration of Cutover Peatlands





Arctic bramble, clonal micropropagation, cultivar, cutover peatlands, growth regulator, half-high blueberry, in vitro


The results of studies on the improvement of technology for producing highquality planting material of half-high blueberry and Arctic bramble by the method of clonal micropropagation are presented in the current paper. Creation of forest berry plantations in peat extraction areas allows reducing environmental damage and significantly increasing the efficiency of the timber industry. In recent decades, there has been an increasing interest in the creation of forest berry plantations on drained and cutover peatlands in Russia and other countries. It is necessary to use varietal planting material for the successful cultivation of forest berry plants on an industrial scale. Clonal micropropagation is the most effective of the vegetative methods for obtaining planting material, which allows receiving a huge amount of healthy planting material all year round in the conditions of a small laboratory area. Chloride-free ecosterilizer and bleaching agent based on sodium hypochlorite “Belizna” with an exposure of 15 and 20 min showed high efficiency in sterilization of explants of half-high blueberry and Arctic bramble. The highest viability of explants of the studied forest berry crops was observed when sterilized with a 0.1 % mercuric chloride solution and 15 min exposure, and its sharp decrease at 20 min exposure. At the stage of micropropagation, with an increase in the concentration of cytokinin 6-BAP from 0.5 to 1.0 mg/L on the nutrient Woody Plant Medium the number of shoots in regenerated plants of half-high blueberry (Northcountry and Northblue cultivars) and Arctic bramble (Anna and Sofia cultivars) increased. The effect of the concentration of IBA-derived auxin on the number and length of roots of regenerated plants was observed at the in vitro rooting stage.
For citation: Makarov S.S., Kuznetsova I.B., Chudetsky A.I., Rodin S.A. Obtaining High-Quality Planting Material of Forest Berry Plants by Clonal Micropropagation for Restoration of Cutover Peatlands. Lesnoy Zhurnal [Russian Forestry Journal], 2021, no. 2, pp. 21–29. DOI: 10.17238/0536-1036-2021-2-21-29


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Author Biographies

Sergey S. Makarov, Central-European Forest Experiment Station, ARRISMF

Candidate of Agriculture, Senior Research Scientist; ResearcherID: AAB-4651-2021

Irina B. Kuznetsova, Kostroma State Agricultural Academy

Candidate of Agriculture, Assoc. Prof.; ResearcherID: AAB-4568-2021

Anton I Chudetsky, Central-European Forest Experiment Station

Leading Engineer; ResearcherID: H-1210-2019

Sergey A. Rodin, All-Russian Research Institute of Silviculture and Mechanization of Forestry

Doctor of Agriculture, Academician of RAS, Deputy Director for Research


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How to Cite

Makarov, S. S., I. B. Kuznetsova, A. I. Chudetsky, and S. A. Rodin. “Obtaining High-Quality Planting Material of Forest Berry Plants by Clonal Micropropagation for Restoration of Cutover Peatlands”. Lesnoy Zhurnal, no. 2, Apr. 2021, pp. 21-29, doi:10.37482/0536-1036-2021-2-21-29.