Phenotypic Structure of Spruce Populations in the European North of Russia




spruce, phenotype, structure of population, variability, European North, Russia


Spruce populations in the north of the European part of Russia have formed with traits, the population-geographic variability of which has not been sufficiently studied. The research purpose is to study on the basis of biometric parameters the phenotypic structure and geographic differentiation of spruce populations located north of the 60th parallel, as well as their relative position to European and Siberian spruces. Spruce is characterized here by a significant population-geographical diversity. The average length of cones in populations is within 44–85 mm, the coefficient of narrowing of the upper part of seed scales (Cn) is 36‒68, elongation coefficient (Cp) is 40‒60 %, and their difference (Cn‒Cp) is from ‒23 to +28 %. The coefficients of geographical variation are 15, 18, 12, and 61 %, respectively. By the value of the Cn‒Cp index, 6 groups of populations out of 9 (I‒IX) existing throughout the east of Europe and Siberia are distinguished, excluding the first three groups. There are intermediate phenotypes of individuals (f.emm., f.m., f.mms.) in groups IV, V and VI with the highest frequency (61, 72, 55 %), in groups VII, VIII and IX the highest frequency (71, 86, 98 %) is among Siberian spruce phenotypes (, f.mss., f.s.). The length of the cones varies significantly in the population groups: 70–80 mm on average in the first; 50–60 mm on average in the second. Population groups IV, V and VI represent an intermediate form of European and Siberian spruces and are distributed southwest of the conditional line between the rivers Pinega and Mezen to Syktyvkar. Groups VII, VIII and IX represent Siberian spruce and occupy the territory northeast of the specified line: the Arkhangelsk region, the territory of the Komi Republic, the Murmansk region and the northernmost part of Karelia. There are no populations representing European spruce in the region according to the studied characteristics. The results obtained can be used in the development of differentiated methods of forestry in the European North of Russia.
For citation: Popov P.P., Kazantseva M.N., Arefyev S.P. Phenotypic Structure of Spruce Populations in the European North of Russia. Lesnoy Zhurnal [Russian Forestry Journal], 2021, no. 2, pp. 9–20. DOI: 10.37482/0536-1036-2021-2-9-20
Funding: The research was carried out within the framework of the state assignment. Research work of the Tyumen Scientific Centre SB RAS, project No. АААА -А17-117050400146-5.


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Author Biographies

П. П. Попов, Institute of the Problems of Northern Development, Tyumen Scientific Centre SB RAS

Doctor of Biology, Chief Research Scientist; ResearcherID: I-7762-2018

М. Н. Казанцевa, Institute of the Problems of Northern Development, Tyumen Scientific Centre SB RAS

andidate of Biology, Leading Research Scientist; ResearcherID: I-7753-2018

С. П. Арефьев, Institute of the Problems of Northern Development, Tyumen Scientific Centre SB RAS

Doctor of Biology, Chief Research Scientist; ResearcherID: I-7761-2018


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How to Cite

Попов, П. П., Казанцевa М. Н., and С. П. Арефьев. “Phenotypic Structure of Spruce Populations in the European North of Russia”. Lesnoy Zhurnal, no. 2, Apr. 2021, pp. 9-20, doi:10.37482/0536-1036-2021-2-9-20.