Logging Roads in a Transportation Network of a Forest Industrial Enterprise
logging road, laying out, computer-aided design systemAbstract
Primary use of logging roads as technological routes of a forest industrial enterprise consists of timber gathering and hauling. Distribution of forest reserves by area implies the existence of a set of roads different in their importance and useful time technologically linked into the united transportation network of the enterprise. Structure of the transportation network and location of certain components of its roads in the forest area is affected by the wide range of factors. Conflicting requirements for the vehicle parameters of timber hauling down the secondary roads and highways for long haul distances led to the development of a twostep haulage technology with vehicle’s specialization, creation of wood transfer points and corresponding change in the structure of timber transportation routes. Guided by the existing recommendations for the cameral laying out of a certain logging road, a designer is forced to lay out the route through trial and error, broadly relying on his experience and intuition. Fundamental difficulties in this case are heterogeneity of the laying out terrain (relief, ground and hydrological features), necessity to consider concentration and placement of wood stocks, as well as observation the design regulations. Resolution of contradiction between the increasing quality requirements for the designing logging roads, on the one hand, and the primitive methods of their laying out, on the other, should be sought in the development of fundamentally new methods of optimizing at the stage of cameral laying out of hauling routes based on the wide use of mathematical methods and information technologies, as well as local and foreign experience in this field.
For citation: Chernyshova E.V., Skrypnikov A.V., Samtsov V.V., Abasov M.A. Logging Roads in a Transportation Network of a Forest Industrial Enterprise. Lesnoy Zhurnal [Forestry Journal], 2019, no. 2, pp. 95–101. DOI: 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2019.2.95
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