Diversity of Common Hazelnuts (Corylus avellana L.) and Occurrence Forecast of Its Forms in the North-Western Caucasus





common hazel, nuts, economically valuable indicators, diversity, Shannon index, coefficient of variation, index of distributed rank diversity, index of distributed rank diversity including share, diversity of forms, occurrence forecast


One of the most significant issues in common hazelnut biology and selection is the diversity (polymorphism) assessment of its fruits and the occurrence prediction of its forms with economically valuable features in natural populations, which are the source of the most valuable gene pool of the species. The research purpose is to identify the hazelnut diversity and to predict the occurrence of its forms in natural oak and fir forest formations of the studied region. For analysis, one nut was randomly selected from each plant of oak (297 pcs.) and fir (301 pcs.) forest formations. We studied the main economically valuable parameters of hazelnuts: kernel weight and yield, nut weight, fruit quality total score, nutshell strength and color, taste, indestructibility and presence of husk on a kernel. The significance of differences in entropy, its dispersion and degree of freedom, diversity by the Shannon index, variation coefficients, χ2 values, Pearson and Chuprov coefficients were determined by known methods. The index of distributed rank diversity (IRRR) was calculated from the ratio of the sum of the products of the relative entropy of a feature by its rank to the number of scales of this feature. The index of distributed rank diversity including share (IRRRD) for a single feature was defined as the product of the IRRR by the share of the feature of the corresponding scale. The forecast of the presence of hazelnut forms is made according to the law of parallelism. It was found that hazel has nuts with similar features in oak and fir forest formations. The conclusions on a greater variety of parameters of hazel fruits, growing in the composition of oak forest formation, in comparison with fir forest formation coincided completely with the Shannon index, IRRR, IRRRD and χ2. The occurrence of the most economically valuable forms in forest formations is predicted with varying frequency.
For citation: Biganova S.G., Sukhorukikh Yu.I., Kulik K.N., Kulik А.K. Diversity of Common Hazelnuts (Corylus avellana L.) and Occurrence Forecast of Its Forms in the North-Western Caucasus. Lesnoy Zhurnal [Russian Forestry Journal], 2020, no. 3, pp. 55–71. DOI: 10.37482/0536-1036-2020-3-55-71


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Author Biographies

С. Г. Биганова, Maykop State Technological University

Candidate of Agriculture, Assoc. Prof.; ResearcherID: E-3358-2018

Ю. И. Сухоруких, Maykop State Technological University

Doctor of Agriculture, Prof.

К. Н. Кулик, Federal Scientific Center for Agroecology, Integrated Land Reclamation and Protective Forests, RAS

Doctor of Agriculture, Prof., Acad. of RAS; ResearcherID: U-4690-2017

А. К. Кулик, Federal Scientific Center for Agroecology, Integrated Land Reclamation and Protective Forests, RAS

Candidate of Agriculture; ResearcherID: W-4034-2018


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How to Cite

Биганова, С. Г., Ю. И. Сухоруких, К. Н. Кулик, and А. К. Кулик. “Diversity of Common Hazelnuts (Corylus Avellana L.) and Occurrence Forecast of Its Forms in the North-Western Caucasus”. Lesnoy Zhurnal, no. 3, June 2020, pp. 55-71, doi:10.37482/0536-1036-2020-3-55-71.