Performance Assessment of the Drying Section of Ma-chines for the Production of Tissue Paper Grades


  • Д. А. Прохоров Saint-Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design
  • А. С. Смолин Saint-Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design



paper machine, tissue paper grades, tissue, drying section, Yankee hood, energy consumption, cross-direction moisture profile, machine productivity


The paper presents the method for assessment the performance of high-speed Yankee hoods in the production of tissue paper grades and the results of its use in working machine. The following parameters are found applying this method: paper web dryness, air pressure in the wet and dry ends of high-speed convective dryers and temperature of the air spilled out of the hoods. The methodology is based on the measurement of these characteristics during the operation of working equipment with further adjustment of the separate system units. Thermal imaging was carried out during the experiment. It has been found that blowing hot air on the front side of the hood and sucking in the cold air on the drive side leads to uneven moisture profile (measured on the paper machine roll) across the paper web width, a decrease in energy efficiency and the machine capacity. Performance indicator may be,
for instance, the spilled air temperature, which on the studied machine is significantly different from the standard value and is 175 °C. The rationality of regular monitoring of air characteristics when changing processing modes is proved. The relevance of the cascade system is substantiated, where not only a direct cascade from the dry end to the wet end is possible, but also there is an opportunity to adjust the humidity of exhaust air by addition/reduction of part of it to/from the dry end. The direct effect of adjusting the humidity of exhaust air in the drying section on reduction of energy costs, as well as the effect of make-up air on the amount of infiltration and the air balance of the system are confirmed. A set of  measures  implemented  within  the  framework  of  this  methodology  makes  it  possible to  achieve  energy  saving  in  existing  industries. The  prospective  saving  potential  of  gas is  62  m3/h  or  17  %  of  the  current  consumption  and  actual  electricity  consumption  is 6.8 kWh or 4 % for the studied machine.

For citation: Prokhorov D.A., Smolin A.S. Performance Assessment of the Drying Section of Machines for the Production of Tissue Paper Grades. Lesnoy Zhurnal[Russian Forestry Journal], 2020, no. 2, pp. 159–168. DOI: 10.37482/0536-1036-2020-2-159-168


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Author Biographies

Д. А. Прохоров, Saint-Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design

Postgraduate Student

А. С. Смолин, Saint-Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design

Doctor of Engineering, Prof.


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How to Cite

Прохоров, Д. А., and А. С. Смолин. “Performance Assessment of the Drying Section of Ma-Chines for the Production of Tissue Paper Grades”. Lesnoy Zhurnal, no. 2, Apr. 2020, pp. 159-68, doi:10.37482/0536-1036-2020-2-159-168.

