Features of Contact Interaction between the Skidding System and Frozen Soils


  • С. Е. Рудов Military Academy of Communications named after Marshal of the Soviet Union S.M. Budyonny
  • В. Я. Шапиро Saint-Petersburg State Forest Technical University
  • И. В. Григорьев Yakut State Agricultural Academy
  • О. А. Куницкая Yakut State Agricultural Academy
  • О. И. Григорьева Saint-Petersburg State Forest Technical University


frozen soils, logging, skidding system, compaction and deformation of soils


Logging in the Far North is carried out under extremely difficult climatic conditions. In the traditional for timber harvesting winter period, forestry equipment in these areas cannot ope-rate due to the extremely low temperatures which vehicle metal and hydraulics do not withstand. Therefore, the period of sustainable logging operations and removal of harvested wood is relatively short. Changes of ambient air temperature from negative to positive values are common to sharp continental climate, for example, to the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). This stops logging in the most part of the cutting areas due to thawing of frozen soils. In operation of skidding systems it is important to take into account that frozen soil is a complex multicomponent environment. Based on the research results, it has been found that at certain depths, under the pliability condition, the so-called primary bulb of pressure is formed. If the stress field components at deep depths implement the accepted standards of frozen soil destruction, the bulb of pressure will move down and receive additional compaction under the weight of the skidding system. The immersing of bulb of pressure is accompanied by decrease in temperature followed by strength enhancement and modulus of elasticity increase. Thus, the established patterns of temperature and humidity influence of frozen soils on their physical and mechanical properties allow us to estimate more accurately the value of initial contact parameters during the skidding of a timber bundle with predetermined static loads. The obtained results provide a basis for the formation of initial conditions at calculations of destruction parameters of the stress-strain block of frozen soils and their compaction under the action of static loads arising from the operation of various forest machines and skidding systems.


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Author Biographies

С. Е. Рудов, Military Academy of Communications named after Marshal of the Soviet Union S.M. Budyonny

Candidate of Engineering Sciences

В. Я. Шапиро, Saint-Petersburg State Forest Technical University

Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor

И. В. Григорьев, Yakut State Agricultural Academy

Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor

О. А. Куницкая, Yakut State Agricultural Academy

Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor

О. И. Григорьева, Saint-Petersburg State Forest Technical University

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Рудов, С. Е., В. Я. Шапиро, И. В. Григорьев, О. А. Куницкая, and О. И. Григорьева. “Features of Contact Interaction Between the Skidding System and Frozen Soils”. Lesnoy Zhurnal, no. 1, Mar. 2019, pp. 106–119, https://ojs3-dev3.narfu.ru/index.php/fj/article/view/25.

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