Genotypic Conditionality of Plus Tree Needle Pigment Composition of Norway Spruce
Norway spruce, plus trees, clone archive, needles, pigment composition, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, carotenoids, genotypic conditionalityAbstract
We have studied annual and biennial needles pigment composition of Norway spruce plus trees (ortets) from the composition of clone archive no. 3 of the State Budgetary Institution “Semyenovskiy spetssemleskhoz” in Nizhny Novgorod region, where they are represented by grafted plants (clones or ramets). The research purpose consist of identification of specificity determination by genotype of Norway spruce plus trees in terms of pigment composition, which participate in photosynthesis, and establishment of specificity display extent in annual and biennial needles. All record plants had the same feeding areas, and plant spacing and received the same silvicultural and agrotechnical tending. Needle sampling was held taking into account their age and affiliation with ortets and ramets. Test parameters were the content of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, and carotenoids, their total amount and the relation between them. Spectrophotometric analysis was used as the most accurate method for quantitative detection of vital plastid pigments. Ethanol of 96 % was used as an extraction agent. The absorption peaks in quantitative fixation of extract optical density corresponded to the following wavelengths: chlorophyll a (663 nm), chlorophyll b (645 nm), and undifferentiated carotenoids (440 nm). One-way and two-way analyses of variance (ANOVA) were used for statistical processing. Perceptible differences in the pigment composition of plus tree leaf apparatus of Norway spruce were established when grown in a leveled environmental background. One-way ANOVA confirmed their essentiality for annual and biennial needles for all parameters involved in the experiment. The influence of the genotype specificity of plus trees, effect of which is recognized as the coefficient of heritability in a broad sense, is quite large and reliable according to all considered parameters. Separate influence of the genotype specificity of plus trees and differences in the age of their needles on the formation of phenotypic variation was recorded in two-way ANOVA. Effect from needle age on the formation of differences in the content of individual pigments and their groups was reliable, but small and generally ranged from 7.10 ± 0.16 % (carotenoid content) to 9.40 ± 0.15 % (total chlorophyll content). The dispersion proportion associated with the genotype specificity of plus trees is significant in general and up to 48.87 %. The interaction between the organized factors often causes a significant effect; however, its share in the structure of total phenotypic dispersion hardly ever prevails. The presence of residual dispersion is due to inevitable diversity of environmental background.
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