Phytomineral Gel for Seedling Roots Incrustation of Siberian Spruce (Picea obovata Ledeb.)
Siberian spruce seedlings, phytomineral hydrogel, incrustation, survival rateAbstract
Currently, in order to increase the resistance of plants in ecosystems to the action of stress factors of the habitat, development of environmentally safe and highly effective drugs of complex action with growth-stimulating, adaptogenic and phytoprotective properties, and applicable for the increase of survival rate of coniferous seedlings, is urgent. A phytomineral hydrogel derived from Siberian spruce needles extract and activated bentonite (a siliceous mineral) was created to improve the survival rate and resistance to stress of seedlings. High efficiency of the hydrogel is provided by the ingredients of its composition and mechanical activation of bentonite before the nanoparticles formation, while bioactive substances pass into the plant-available form. Stimulants derived from needles and activated bentonite, penetrating into a plant, activate the genes of protection and stress resistance, that is, the biological resources of seedlings boost their immunity and survival rate of planting material, and reduce its production cost due to the low cost of raw materials. The research purpose was to establish the prospects for the use of phytomineral hydrogel for incrustation of Siberian spruce (Picea obovata Ledeb.) seedling roots in forest plantations development. The analysis of the research results shows that the survival rate of experimental samples of Siberian spruce is 96.25 %, in the control sample – 89.30 %. The growth of the control seedlings was 4.9 cm or 50.0 % less.
For citation: Vorobyov A.L., Kalachev А.А., Zalesov S.V. Phytomineral Gel for Seedling Roots Incrustation of Siberian Spruce (Picea obovata Ledeb.). Lesnoy Zhurnal [Russian Forestry Journal], 2019, no. 6, pp. 255–261. DOI: 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2019.6.255
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