Mathematical Modeling of Electric Energy Consumption of Frame Sawing
log frame, effective and operation time of a working cycle, consumable active power, specific electric energy consumption, density of probability distribution, dimensions of sawing raw materialsAbstract
Drafting and analysis of electrical balances of industrial facilities is among the crucial components of a set of works driven by problem solution related to fuel and energy savings. Electrical balance is an important characteristic of the state of electric economy of an enterprise and reflects the total quantitative correlation between total delivered electrical energy, on the one hand, and total useful electrical energy and its losses, on the other. Experimental research carried out at a number of woodworking enterprises showed that these companies have considerable reserves of energy savings. Their use depends to a great extent on a proper management and engineering and economic feasibility of electric energy consumption rating. Total consumption of electric energy for basic and auxiliary production and operating needs, including electric line power losses, is a subject of regulation. Individual operation and total rates of specific consumption are distinguished in rating electric energy consumption. This article provides an approach to the setting of an operating rate of specific electric energy consumption for wood sawing with log frames, taking into account the random nature of sizes of sawing raw materials, as well as electric line power losses. In order to carry out the research, a linear model of the consumed active power curve of the cutting mechanism engine was used, as well as the probability theory methods. As a result, the distribution densities of the absolute and specific electric energy consumption are determined taking into account electric line power losses, as well as their numerical characteristics; the dependences of the linear model parameters of electric energy consumption on the sizes of sawing raw materials and the operation parameters of log frames are found. The proposed results can be used in drafting and analysis of energy balances in the course of solving the problems of rating electric energy consumption at woodworking enterprises. In the analysis of electric energy consumption model, it was found that its parameters, as the random variables, have a distribution that is different from normal distribution. However, in an attempt to simplify the further analysis of electric energy consumption mode, density of probabilities was approximated by the normal law of distribution. Average error of approximation was not more than 0.02 %. Also, calculation formulas for electric energy consumption parameters depending on the size of sawing raw materials were obtained.
For citation: Ageev S.P. Mathematical Modeling of Electric Energy Consumption of Frame Sawing. Lesnoy Zhurnal [Russian Forestry Journal], 2019, no. 6, pp. 194–201. DOI: 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2019.6.194
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