Problems of Use and Reproduction of Phytogenic Food and Medicinal Forest Resources on the Forest Fund Lands of the Kostroma Region


  • С. С. Макаров Central-European Forest Experimental Station
  • Е. С. Багаев Central-European Forest Experimental Station
  • С. Ю. Цареградская All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Silviculture and Forestry Mechanization
  • И. Б. Кузнецова Kostroma State Agricultural Academy, Karavayevskaya s\a, 34



forest management, non-timber forest resources, fruit and berry plants, mushrooms, medicinal raw materials, harvesting, processing


The article provides the results of studies on the assessment of the potential of the phytogenic food and medicinal resources of the forest on the lands of the forest fund of the Kostroma region. The authors note that the forests of the region have large reserves of these resources, but their level of use remains low – on average in the region of 10 %. Harvesting of food forest resources and collection of medicinal plants as a type of business activity are not practiced, there is no lease of forest plots for this purpose. At the same time, the share of non-wood forest products accounts for more than 10 % of the total value of all forest products and in some cases exceeds the cost of wood. Zoning of food and medicinal plants in the Kostroma region by the largest biological reserves of resources is given. Potential centers for industrial procurement and processing of food and medicine resources have been identified. The resource,
technological and economic justification for the organization of the preparation and processing of food and medicinal resources on an industrial basis. Particular attention should be paid to the organization and intensification of the cultivation of forest fruit, berry, ornamental and medicinal plants, the development of technology and agricultural technology of the cultivation of berry crops, the breeding of new highly productive varieties.
For citation: Makarov S.S. Bagaev E.S., Tsaregradskaya S.Yu., Kuznetsova I.B. Рroblems of use and Reproduction of Phytogenic Food and medicinal Forest Resources on the Forest Fund Lands of the Kostroma region. Lesnoy Zhurnal [Russian Forestry Journal], 2019, no. 6, pp. 118–131. DOI: 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2019.6.118
*The article is published within the framework of implementation of the scientific journals development program in 2019


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Author Biographies

С. С. Макаров, Central-European Forest Experimental Station

Postgraduate Student, Senior Research Scientist

Е. С. Багаев, Central-European Forest Experimental Station

Candidate of Agriculture, Acting Deputy Director for Science

С. Ю. Цареградская, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Silviculture and Forestry Mechanization

Candidate of Agriculture, Scientific Secretary

И. Б. Кузнецова, Kostroma State Agricultural Academy, Karavayevskaya s\a, 34

Candidate of Agriculture, Assoc. Prof.


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How to Cite

Макаров, С. С., Е. С. Багаев, С. Ю. Цареградская, and И. Б. Кузнецова. “Problems of Use and Reproduction of Phytogenic Food and Medicinal Forest Resources on the Forest Fund Lands of the Kostroma Region”. Lesnoy Zhurnal, no. 6, Dec. 2019, p. 118, doi:10.17238/issn0536-1036.2019.6.118.

