Mathematical Model of the Modular Approach for Selection of a System of Machines for Creation and Operation of Forest Plantations




forest plantations, systems of machines, modular approach for construction of systems of machines


Forest plantations have been successfully established and operated in many countries since the middle of the past century. More than 50 % of all harvested and processed wood in the world are the products of targeted forest cultivation grown on forest plantations. At the same time, in the Russian Federation, lumber enterprises are running out of raw materials as a result of long-term ongoing extensive forest management in spite of huge forest reserves and hardly full use of the annual cut. The cost of wood raw materials is constantly rising, which is due to an increase in rates for standing timber, expenses for operation and maintenance of forest machines of foreign production, and stronger dollar and euro. First of all, the beginning pressure for raw materials of lumber enterprises and rise in the cost of wood raw materials are driven by the gradual exhaustion of available operational mature forests. Herewith, the average distance of removal of wood harvested in natural forests is constantly increasing; the costs for creation and operation of logging roads has increased year on year; and a long cutting period, especially of coniferous wood, worsens the unfolding situation. One of the problems that currently prevents the effective development of forest plantations is the lack of a scientifically grounded system of machines in our country, capable of performing the entire operation cycle from planting (sowing) of woody plants to wood harvesting and preparing the territory for a new succession. It is evident that this system of machines should be based on the modular approach for its construction, include a probable minimum of machines and mechanisms, have a high coefficient of mechanical availability and low operating costs per unit. The article presents a mathematical model based on the modular approach for constructing systems of machines for forest plantations.
For citation: Voronov R.V., Markov O.B., Grigorev I.V., Davtyan A.B. Mathematical Model of the Modular Approach for Selection of a System of Machines for Creation and Operation of Forest Plantations. Lesnoy Zhurnal [Forestry Journal], 2019, no. 5, pp. 125–134. DOI: 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2019.5.125


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Author Biographies

Р. В. Воронов, Petrozavodsk State University

Doctor of Engineering, Assoc. Prof.; ResearcherID: D-7841-2014

О. Б. Марков, Petrozavodsk State University

Candidate of Engineering, Assoc. Prof.

И. В. Григорьев, Yakut State Agricultural Academy

Doctor of Engineering, Prof.; ResearcherID: S-7085-2016

А. Б. Давтян, Bratsk State University

Postgraduate Student


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How to Cite

Воронов, Р. В., О. Б. Марков, И. В. Григорьев, and А. Б. Давтян. “Mathematical Model of the Modular Approach for Selection of a System of Machines for Creation and Operation of Forest Plantations”. Lesnoy Zhurnal, no. 5, Oct. 2019, p. 125, doi:10.17238/issn0536-1036.2019.5.125.




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