Formation of Picea abies (L.) Karst. Trunk Wood in Different Taiga Zone Communities
Picea abies (L.) Karst., anatomy, annual ring, wood, forest typesAbstract
Much attention is given to the trunk wood of forest-forming species of primary forest
communities in studying biological productivity of forest stands. We have carried out the research in the middle taiga subzone (South Karelia) in 2014 in order to determine the influence of site conditions on anatomical indicators of trunk wood of Picea abies (L.) Karst. Study objects were the most common types of forest communities for the region. Five test plots were grounded. Twenty trees of II–III classes of growth and development (according to Kraft’s classification) were chosen on each of the plots. Hewings of the trunk wood were picked at the end of the vegetation period at a height of 1.3 m; increments for the last 3 years were analyzed. Preparations were made from the hewings. Width of the tree-ring, width of the autumn wood zone and number of tracheid rows were measured on the preparations in three spots. It was found that tree-ring width and wood quality decrease with deterioration of the site conditions. This indicator in sorrel spruce forest (3.59 mm) is 3.6, 5.6, 8.8 and 11.6 % higher in comparison with myrtillus, vaccinium, swampy with grass and sphagnum spruce forests respectively. Furthermore, larger number of tracheid rows (51 pcs) is formed in sorrel spruce forest in comparison with myrtillus, vaccinium, swampy with grass and sphagnum spruce forests by 5.9, 15.7, 20.0 and 27.5 % respectively; as well as the greatest width of autumn wood zone (1.37 mm). The last indicator in myrtillus, vaccinium, swampy with grass and sphagnum spruce forests is 7.9, 13.6, 20.0 and 28.6 % less respectively. Proportion of autumn wood reaches its maximum in sorrel spruce forest (38.9 %) during the tree-ring formation. Values of this indicator in myrtillus, vaccinium, swampy with grass and sphagnum spruce forests are 37.1, 36.0, 34.6 and 34.1 %
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