Analysis of the Resin Forms in the Process of the Short Fiber Sulphate Cellulose Deresination




deresination, pitch particles, synergistic mixtures, microscopy, extraction


Sticky inclusions in fiber often create a serious obstruction called as «pitch troubles». At the present time there is no universal and effective method for their elimination. The proposed approach of cellulose treatment with synergistic mixtures of surfactants and enzymes will allow combining both traditional and progressive deresination technologies. The influence of the mixtures of deresination agents and their individual components on the resin forms in the sulphate non-bleached short fiber (leaf) pulp was analyzed to assess the functional efficiency of these compositions. The target of research choice is due to the fact that pitch troubles particularly occur in the manufacturing of sulphate short fiber pulp. The total resin content of the cellulose was determined by the extraction-gravimetric method. The resin forms (coagulated, encapsulated or dispersed) were evaluated by microscopy. It has been established that the deresination action of nonionic surfactantsis mutually activated in the joint presents. However, a small reduction of total resin content is observed under the deresination action of a mixture of nonionic surfactant and lipase. At the same time, all reagents showed good dispersing properties regardless of their nature. A decrease in the coagulated resin content of medium size with a simultaneous increase in the dispersed resin amount and with the almost complete absence of large resin agglomerates was shown to be most important for deresination. The trend of resin forms under the effect of synergistic mixture of nonionic surfactants is probably due to the diffusion-solubilization mechanism of the deresination action. Analysis of the deresination action of selected reagents and their mixtures has shown that the existing studies on problem of reducing cellulose pitch content with mixtures of surfactants and enzymesdoes do not give an overarching assessment, so a detailed study of the multifactor deresination process is needed.
For citation: Smith R.A., Demyantseva E.Yu., Andranovich O.S. Analysis of resin forms in the process of sulphate hardwood cellulose deresination. Lesnoy Zhurnal [Forestry Journal], 2019, no. 4, pp.168–178. DOI: 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2019.4.168
*The article was published in the framework of implementation the development program of scientific journals in 2019.


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Author Biographies

Р. А. Смит, Saint-Petersburg State University of Industrial Technology and Design

Postgraduate student; ResearcherID: O-2661-2019

Е. Ю. Демьянцева, Saint-Petersburg State University of Industrial Technology and Design

Candidate of Chemistry, Assoc. Prof.; ResearcherID: P-5165-2019

О. С. Андранович, Saint-Petersburg State University of Industrial Technology and Design

Postgraduate student; ResearcherID: P-5570-2019


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Поступила 14.02.19



How to Cite

Смит, Р. А., Е. Ю. Демьянцева, and О. С. Андранович. “Analysis of the Resin Forms in the Process of the Short Fiber Sulphate Cellulose Deresination”. Lesnoy Zhurnal, no. 4, July 2019, p. 168, doi:10.17238/issn0536-1036.2019.4.168.




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