Computer Simulation of the Recuperative Towing Coupler of a Forest Truck with a Trailer
forest truck, trailer, towing coupler, recovery, hydraulic power, working fluid, hydropneumatic accumulator, mathematical model, simulation modelingAbstract
One of the most promising and feasible ways to reduce the fuel consumption of a forest truck with a trailer is the development and support of the operation of its recuperative towing coupler. A fundamentally new scheme of the device was proposed based on the previous studies. In order to assess the possibility of its usage in a forest truck with a trailer, find the range of recoverable power, determine the optimal design parameters of the hydraulic cylinder of the coupler a three-dimensional mathematical model of a forest truck with a trailer movement along uneven support surface has been created based on the classical mechanics methods. A computer program was created based on this model. The program allowed to obtain the dependences of speed of a forest truck with a trailer, height of the supporting surface irregularities and hydraulic cylinder diameter of the recuperative towing coupler on the mean values of the average recoverable power and longitudinal acceleration. It is found that the operation of a
forest truck with a trailer, equipped with a recuperative towing coupler, on forest roads with ground coating allows recuperating the power of 4 kW. The recoverable power changes with the increase of the movement speed of a forest truck with a trailer along the forest road with ground coating according to a quadratic law. It has been found that with the increase of the average height of the supporting surface irregularities to 0.4 m, the increase of the mean values of the recoverable power and longitudinal acceleration of the trailer occurs according to a law close to quadratic, however, a further increase of the height of the supporting surface irregularities does not lead to the significant growth of the parameters. The optimal diameter of the hydraulic cylinder for the recuperative towing coupler, which allows recuperating the highest power value at a high efficiency of the damping properties of the hydraulic system, is determined. The research results can be used by research and development organizations in the development and improvement of recuperative towing couplers of forest trucks with a trailer.
For citation: Posmetyev V.I., Nikonov V.O., Posmetyev V.V. Computer Simulation of the Recuperative Towing Coupler of a Forest Truck with a Trailer. Lesnoy Zhurnal [Forestry Journal], 2019, no. 4, pp. 108–123. DOI: 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2019.4.108
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