Validation of the Logging Operations’ Scheme through the Creation of Dynamical Model of the Enterprise Functioning
wood transportation, graphic-analytical model, technological process, technological scheme, dynamic conditions, season of wood transportationAbstract
It is possible to build a technological scheme using various options in the process of logging. Water or land transport is used in different seasons during wood transportation from the cutting area at different stages. The presence of wood depots and wood processing at them also increase the multivariance of the technological process. The operation flow in various natural and industrial conditions differs in productivity and material expenses. Production efficiency depends on the effective validation of the technology of logging operations’ implementation with regard to the dynamic natural and industrial conditions of the enterprise functioning. The research purpose is improving of the technological scheme of transport, handling and processing operations of logging in dynamic natural production conditions. The solution of the issue is proposed to perform using semi-graphical modeling. Variable and constant material expenses for the individual operations flow of the technological process define the technological scheme in the dynamic natural and industrial conditions. As a result detailed graphic models of wood transportation from the cutting area to the consumer, handling and processing operations taking place in the intermediate and lower wood depots have been developed. The possible variants of the logging technological scheme are shown. Possible volumes of timber harvesting in cutting areas and consumer sales of products are used as one of the restrictions imposed on the flow running through the graph arcs. Mathematical functions allowing searching for the maximum flow of the minimum cost in the dynamic structure of the technological process of work flow at the enterprise are proposed. They define the conditions for problem solving. The proposed semigraphical model will enable the analytical approach to validation the sequence of wood transportation from the cutting area and usage of wood depots and raids in logging, using of handling and processing operations, choosing the transport type, consumer and type of final commodity products in the dynamic natural production conditions of the enterprise working. A distinctive feature of the proposed model is its functioning based on the performance and labor costs proposed as the throughput of the graph arcs.
For citation: Rukomojnikov K.P., Mokhirev A.P. Validation of the Logging Operations Scheme through the Creation of Dynamical Model of the Enterprise Functioning. Lesnoy Zhurnal [Forestry Journal], 2019, no. 4, pp. 94–107. DOI: 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2019.4.94
Funding: The research was carried out with the financial support of the RFBR, Government of Krasnoyarsk Krai and Krasnoyarsk Regional Fund of support scientific and technical activities, KSAU within the framework of the scientific project “Research and Modeling of the Economic Development Processes of the Region’s Timber Industry in the Context of Natural and Climatic Conditions and Resource Potential”, no. 18-410-240003.
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