Technological Resources of Harvesting and Logging Machinery of Bashkortostan Forestries




forestries, harvesting and logging machinery, technological resources, wear, machinery condition assessment, Republic of Bashkortostan


The forest sector of the Russian economy is a complex system of industries and activities, which include logging, woodworking, furniture and pulp and paper productions. The logging organization, which forms to a great extent the operation effectiveness of any enterprise in the forest sector, is the base point for the development of any of the indicated activities. Assessment of the factors determining the efficiency of logging activities is an urgent issue of both theoretical and experimental studies, which allow identifying and specifying problems that reduce the effectiveness of logging and processing production, taking into account regional specificity. The development of competitive relations in forestry provides an opportunity to consider the essential role of forestries in the forest sector of the regions and to form the institutional framework of relations between the forest management participants relevant to the regional policy. There are two variants for the development of forestry: supporting small businesses, which operates in the forest complex, and recruitment of large investors for the forest resources development. The implementation of the national priority projects in the field of forest development is the most attractive procedure for large multiprofile wood processing enterprises with significant financial capacity and ready to develop the forest resources of the region over the long run. Modern forestries, which fulfill a function of the state institutional participant in the forest relations, carry out logging activities in the least attractive forest areas (from a competitive point of view) contributing to the welltimed and high-quality performance of the forest development plan and income to local budgets. If the state autonomous forestry organizations function in the region, then regional policy for the forest complex development should take into account the problem solving of the development of forestries through systemic modernization of their technical basis, which will allow the latter to become full members of the forest relations ensuring the effective development of the logging sector. However, a serious modernization of forestries is impossible without determining the real state of their forestry equipment. The research object is the forest sector of the Republic of Bashkortostan with the forest fund volume of 760.3 mln m3 and the established volume of annual wood harvesting of 9,156 ths m3, where 32 state autonomous forestry organizations work. In December 2017, we assessed the technical condition of the harvesting and logging equipment of the forestry institutions of the Republic of Bashkortostan in order to determine its state and opportunities for efficient use, and give the recommendations on the logging quality improvement. According to the results of the inventory of this equipment, its total number (184 units) was found, 57 % of which relate to wheeled tractors. Specialized skidding equipment is practically absent. The assessment of the wear level of the existing machinery was the important methodological component of the research. The methodology corresponding to the Federal Standard of Assessment “General Concepts of Assessment, Approaches and Requirements for the Assessment” was used for the wear assessment. The loss of the consumer value of the machines due to their wear was used as the criteria for assessing the accumulated wear of logging machinery, herewith the following estimated indicators were considered: change in the machine resource; change in production costs associated with the implementation of the resource unit during the life cycle. In the course of the research it has been found that: more than half of the Bashkortostan forestries are not provided with harvesting and logging machinery for the development of planned volumes of logging; more than 80 % of the available forestry machinery has wear of more than 90 % and its use is not economically feasible; forestries of the Republic of Bashkortostan have a weak repair facility and insufficient number of qualified personnel.
For citation: Zaikin A.N., Konshakova S.A., Sivakov V.V., Kuznetsov S.G., Bulkhov N.A. Technological Resources of Harvesting and Logging Machinery of Bashkortostan Forestries. Lesnoy Zhurnal [Russian Forestry Journal], 2020, no. 4, pp. 123–133. DOI: 10.37482/0536-1036-2020-4-123-133


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Author Biographies

А. Н. Заикин, Bryansk State Engineering Technological University

Doctor of Engineering, Prof

С. А. Коньшакова, Bryansk State Engineering Technological University

Candidate of Economics, Assoc. Prof.

В. В. Сиваков, Bryansk State Engineering Technological University

Candidate of Engineering, Assoc. Prof

С. Г. Кузнецов, Bryansk State Engineering Technological University

Candidate of Economics, Assoc. Prof

Н. А. Булхов, Bryansk State Engineering Technological University

Candidate of Economics, Assoc. Prof


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How to Cite

Заикин, А. Н., С. А. Коньшакова, В. В. Сиваков, С. Г. Кузнецов, and Н. А. Булхов. “Technological Resources of Harvesting and Logging Machinery of Bashkortostan Forestries”. Lesnoy Zhurnal, no. 4, Sept. 2020, pp. 123-3, doi:10.37482/0536-1036-2020-4-123-133.

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